发布于 2017-09-15 23:18:55 | 175 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Storm 分布式实时计算系统
Apache Storm 的前身是 Twitter Storm 平台,目前已经归于 Apache 基金会管辖。Apache Storm 是一个免费开源的分布式实时计算系统。简化了流数据的可靠处理,像 Hadoop 一样实现实时批处理。Storm 很简单,可用于任意编程语言。Apache Storm 采用 Clojure 开发。
Apache Storm 1.0.4 已发布,
这是一个维护版本,包含许多重要的 bug 修复,以改善 Storm 的性能、稳定性和容错能力。建议以前版本的用户升级到最新版本。具体包括:
[STORM-2657] - Update SECURITY.MD
[STORM-2231] - NULL in DisruptorQueue while multi-threaded ack
[STORM-2660] - The Nimbus storm-local directory is relative to the working directory of the shell executing "storm nimbus"
[STORM-2674] - NoNodeException when ZooKeeper tries to delete nodes
[STORM-2677] - consider all sampled tuples which took greater than 0 ms processing time
[STORM-2682] - Supervisor crashes with NullPointerException
[STORM-2695] - BlobStore uncompress argument should be Boolean
[STORM-2705] - DRPCSpout sleeps twice when idle