发布于 2017-02-04 21:47:10 | 214 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Storm 分布式实时计算系统
Apache Storm 的前身是 Twitter Storm 平台,目前已经归于 Apache 基金会管辖。Apache Storm 是一个免费开源的分布式实时计算系统。简化了流数据的可靠处理,像 Hadoop 一样实现实时批处理。Storm 很简单,可用于任意编程语言。Apache Storm 采用 Clojure 开发。
Apache Storm 1.0.3 发布了,
Storm 有很多应用场景,包括实时数据分析、联机学习、持续计算、分布式 RPC、ETL 等。Storm 速度非常快,一个测试在单节点上实现每秒一百万的组处理。
STORM-2337: Broken documentation generation for storm-metrics-profiling-internal-actions.md and windows-users-guide.md
STORM-2325: Logviewer doesn't consider 'storm.local.hostname'
STORM-1742: More accurate 'complete latency'
STORM-2176: Workers do not shutdown cleanly and worker hooks don't run when a topology is killed
STORM-2293: hostname should only refer node's 'storm.local.hostname'
STORM-2246: Logviewer download link has urlencoding on part of the URL
STORM-1906: Window count/length of zero should be disallowed
STORM-1841: Address a few minor issues in windowing and doc
STORM-2268: Fix integration test for Travis CI build
STORM-2283: Fix DefaultStateHandler kryo multithreading issues
STORM-2279: Unable to open bolt page of storm ui
STORM-2264: OpaqueTridentKafkaSpout failing after STORM-2216
STORM-2276: Remove twitter4j usages due to license issue (JSON.org is catalog X)
STORM-2095: remove any remaining files when deleting blobstore directory
STORM-2251: Integration test refers specific version of Storm which should be project version
STORM-2234: heartBeatExecutorService in shellSpout don't work well with deactivate
STORM-2216: Favor JSONValue.parseWithException
STORM-2208: HDFS State Throws FileNotFoundException in Azure Data Lake Store file system (adl://)
STORM-2213: ShellSpout has race condition when ShellSpout is being inactive longer than heartbeat timeout
STORM-2210: remove array shuffle from ShuffleGrouping
STORM-2198: perform RotationAction when stopping HdfsBolt
STORM-2196: A typo in RAS_Node::consumeCPU
STORM-2189: RAS_Node::freeCPU outputs incorrect info
STORM-2184: Don't wakeup KafkaConsumer on shutdown
STORM-2018: Supervisor V2
STORM-2145: Leave leader nimbus's hostname to log when trying to connect leader nimbus
STORM-2127: Storm-eventhubs should use latest amqp and eventhubs-client versions
STORM-2040: Fix bug on assert-can-serialize
STORM-2017: ShellBolt stops reporting task ids
STORM-2119: bug in log message printing to stdout
STORM-2120: Emit to _spoutConfig.outputStreamId
STORM-2101: fixes npe in compute-executors in nimbus
STORM-2090: Add integration test for storm windowing
STORM-2003: Make sure config contains TOPIC before get it
STORM-1567: in defaults.yaml 'topology.disable.loadaware' should be 'topology.disable.loadaware.messaging'
STORM-1987: Fix TridentKafkaWordCount arg handling in distributed mode.
STORM-1969: Modify HiveTopology to show usage of non-partition table.
STORM-1849: HDFSFileTopology should use the 3rd argument as topologyName
STORM-2086: use DefaultTopicSelector instead of creating a new one
STORM-2079: Unneccessary readStormConfig operation
STORM-2081: create external directory for storm-sql various data sources and move storm-sql-kafka to it
STORM-1344: Remove sql command from storm-jdbc build
STORM-2070: Fix sigar native binary download link
STORM-2056: Bugs in logviewer
STORM-1646: Fix ExponentialBackoffMsgRetryManager test
STORM-2039: Backpressure refactoring in worker and executor
STORM-2064: Add storm name and function, access result and function to log-thrift-access
STORM-2063: Add thread name in worker logs
STORM-2047: Add note to add logviewer hosts to browser whitelist
STORM-2042: Nimbus client connections not closed properly causing connection leaks
STORM-2032: removes warning in case more than one metrics tuple is received
STORM-1594: org.apache.storm.tuple.Fields can throw NPE if given invalid field in selector
STORM-1995: downloadChunk in nimbus.clj should close the input stream