发布于 2017-09-01 20:22:58 | 180 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Glide Android 图片加载和缓存库
Glide 是一个 Android 上的图片加载和缓存库,其目的是实现平滑的图片列表滚动效果。
Glide 4.1.0 已发布。Glide 是一个 Android 上的图片加载和缓存库,其目的是实现平滑的图片列表滚动效果。部分更新如下:
Bug 修复
Fixed a bug where options applied in GlideExtensions
could be ignored if the extension option was applied to a RequestOptions
object that had autoClone()
enabled (b39a9db)
Fixed an issue default options set in RequestManager
could be ignored if autoClone()
was enabled (d717e83)
Fixed double logging parts of GlideExceptions (9d7b8d9)
Fixed a bug where DiskCacheStrategy.ALL
and DiskCachceStrategy.RESOURCE
when used while loading a GIF might lead to a partial or invalid cache file (1594655)
Fixed a concurrent modification exception in ViewTarget
Fixed an error attempting to load files more than Integer.MAX_VALUE
in length (#2240, 8fac123)
Fixed an issue with using cross fades in RecyclerView (06aced3).
Clarified nullability of properties in DataFetcher
(#2203, thanks to @Tolriq)