发布于 2017-06-22 00:29:33 | 196 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Glide Android 图片加载和缓存库
Glide 是一个 Android 上的图片加载和缓存库,其目的是实现平滑的图片列表滚动效果。
Glide 4.0.0 RC1 发布了,该版本是 Glide 4 的预发行版。主要更新如下:
Added support for VectorDrawables to the placeholder methods (#1946, thanks to @Teovald)
Minimal support for additional Bitmap configurations in Android O (853c687, better support will be coming in the future)
Fixed a duplicate field error when using GlideExtensions (#1971)
Fixed VisibleForTesting lint errors in Glide's generated code (#1977)
Fixed a bug preventing us from falling back to the error Drawable for null models when the fallback drawable isn't specified (#1985)
Fixed an NPE when obtaining a RequestManager for a View (Glide.with(view)
, #1991)
Propagate HTTP exceptions from the OkHttp library so that they're accessible when requests fail (#1967)
Fixed a race condition causing resource leaks (#1996)
Fixed an NPE in MultiModelLoader (#2028)
Fixed a broken null check (48d1f14, thanks mattq@)
Fixed a bug preventing the placeholder Drawable from being shown for null models when both the fallback and the error Drawables are unspecified (41cc06c, thnaks to angelorhoit@)
Fixed an IllegalStateException when pending requests were cancelled and restarted (243c28c)