发布于 2017-08-11 23:52:39 | 168 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Ceph PB 级分布式文件系统
Ceph是一个 Linux PB 级分布式文件系统。Ceph 最初是一项关于存储系统的 PhD 研究项目,由 Sage Weil 在 University of California, SantaCruz(UCSC)实施。
Ceph v12.1.3 发布了。这是 Luminous 最后一个候选版本,下次讲发布长期稳定版 Ceph Luminous(v12.2.0)。 自 Kraken(v11.2.z)和 Jewel(v10.2.z)以来,发生了重大变化,主要更新内容如下:
Ceph now has a simple, built-in web-based dashboard for monitoring cluster status.
The new BlueStore backend for ceph-osd is now stable and the
new default for newly created OSDs. BlueStore manages data
stored by each OSD by directly managing the physical HDDs or
SSDs without the use of an intervening file system like XFS.
This provides greater performance and features. See
Storage Devices and
BlueStore Config Reference.
BlueStore supports full data and metadata checksums of all
data stored by Ceph.
BlueStore supports inline compression using
zlib, snappy, or LZ4. (Ceph also supports zstd for RGW compression but zstd is not recommended for
BlueStore for performance reasons.)
Erasure coded pools now have full support for overwrites,
allowing them to be used with RBD and CephFS.