发布于 2017-08-11 00:32:19 | 216 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Ceph PB 级分布式文件系统

Ceph是一个 Linux PB 级分布式文件系统。Ceph 最初是一项关于存储系统的 PhD 研究项目,由 Sage Weil 在 University of California, SantaCruz(UCSC)实施。

Ceph v11.2.1 已发布,这是 Kraken 的第一个错误修复版本,并且可能是 Kraken 系列的最后一个版本(当 Luminous 宣布稳定时Kraken 将声明为"EOL")。它包含所有 Ceph 组件中的大量错误修复。

建议所有 v11.2.x 的用户进行升级,要了解更多细节的信息,请查看完整的更新日志


  • In previous versions, if a client sent an op to the wrong OSD, the OSD would reply with ENXIO. The rationale here is that the client or OSD is clearly buggy and we want to surface the error as clearly as possible. We now only send the ENXIO reply if the osd_enxio_on_misdirected_op option is enabled (it’s off by default). This means that a VM using librbd that previously would have gotten an EIO and gone read-only will now see a blocked/hung IO instead.

  • There was a bug introduced in Jewel (#19119) that broke the mapping behavior when an “out” OSD that still existed in the CRUSH map was removed with ‘osd rm’. This could result in ‘misdirected op’ and other errors. The bug is now fixed, but the fix itself introduces the same risk because the behavior may vary between clients and OSDs. To avoid problems, please ensure that all OSDs are removed from the CRUSH map before deleting them. That is, be sure to do:

    ceph osd crush rm osd.123


    ceph osd rm osd.123
  • This release greatly improves control and throttling of the snap trimmer. It introduces the “osd max trimming pgs” option (defaulting to 2), which limits how many PGs on an OSD can be trimming snapshots at a time. And it restores the safe use of the “osd snap trim sleep” option, wihch defaults to 0 but otherwise adds the given number of seconds in delay between every dispatch of trim operations to the underlying system.


历史版本 :
Ceph v10.2.10 Jewel 发布,分布式文件系统
Ceph 12.2.0 发布,可扩展分布式存储系统
Ceph 13.0.0 发布,可扩展分布式存储系统
Ceph Luminous 的第五个 RC 版 v12.1.4 RC 发布
Ceph v12.1.4 发布,分布式存储系统
Ceph v12.1.3 发布,分布式存储系统
Ceph v11.2.1 发布, Kraken 系列的首个 bugfix 版本
Ceph 10.2.9 发布,分布式存储系统
Ceph v12.1.0 RC 发布,Luminous 系列的首个 RC 版
Ceph v12.0.3 Luminous (dev) 发布,开发者版本
Ceph v12.0.2 Luminous (dev) 发布,开发者版本
Ceph 10.2.7 发布,分布式存储系统
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