发布于 2017-08-02 03:47:33 | 277 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
这里有新鲜出炉的React Native官方指南,程序狗速度看过来!
React Native 用 React 开发移动应用
ReactNative 可以基于目前大热的开源JavaScript库React.js来开发iOS和Android原生App。而且React Native已经用于生产环境——Facebook Groups iOS 应用就是基于它开发的。
React Native 0.47.0 已正式发布。
Remove unused createJSModules
VirtualizedList: Fix problems if _updateCellsToRender gets called too early
VirtualizedList: Fix deltatime calculation
VirtualizedList: Fix initial-render triggering a render of all items
CLI: Fix broken default getProjectRoots
Fix license headers
Fix deepFreezeAndThrowOnMutationInDev-test for Node v8.1.0
Fix reference to invariant
Fix configure glog script when building from xcodebuild
Fix error caused by first argument short when calling warning function
Add Components and APIs Overview Guide
Add marker surrounding entire native module creation
Add documentation for supporting custom require types
Add https options to RN CLI server
Add basic nested VirtualizedList support
Add --maxWorkers flag and allow transformers to run in-band
FlatList: Add dev validation of the object returned by getItemLayout
FlatList: Add setNativeProps
Warn when setting pagingEnabled when snapToInterval at the same time
Add close
to SwipeableRow
Add a new babel transformer for inlining regenerator-runtime per file
Add Wix.com to showcase
Remove react-native/packager folder
Docs: New Handling Touches
Docs: Restore proper ordering in the sidebar
Disable auto-mock by default in as many places as possible @bypass-lint
Remove worker from local-cli
Promise support for C++ bridge
Exposed progressViewOffset to VirtualizedList and FlatList
Implement Systrace integration for Fiber
Check before overriding global.performance
Move type definitions used for metro bundler from React Native
Cleanup local-cli/core/__tests__
Node v8 Workaround for local-cli/core/__tests__
Update remaining PropTypes references
Improved (7707905)
Remove retainLines
and sourceMaps
Move jest to version 20
Update guidelines
Make preset a function to account for different dev settings
Native Animated - Call x.__makeNative before super.__makeNative
Don't require prettyFormat in every single bundle
Use possessive 'its' not 'it's'
Yoga: The total flex factores need to be a minimum of 1 if any
Yoga: Fixed assertion caused by invalid layout of hidden Yoga nodes
Yoga: Refined type for display
style property
ImageBackground: use cached styles
Keyboard will show documentation
Improve Audio for Maintaining Priority
Expose unstable_batchedUpdates
on react-native
Disable subview clipping when sticky headers are enabled
Replace React.createClass with create-react-class
Control whether Metro tells Babel to lookup .babelrc files
Stop using Map in JSTimers
Merge JSTimers and JSTimersExecution
Update native references to JSTimers
Allow no args to be passed to rejection callback
Fixed an incorrect word in the blurTextInput() documentation
Clearer code in Button.js
Setting bridge up for sharing: allowing native modules to register after init
react@16 did away with PropTypes; require prop-types instead
Remove RN fiber createClass wrapper around View
Rename Executor to JSExecutor
Improve choco command in docs
Fixing typo in AppContainer
Adding an optional wrapper component to app components
Jest Mocks for NetInfo and Linking
Overflow detection in Yoga