发布于 2016-06-13 00:52:42 | 149 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
这里有新鲜出炉的React Native官方指南,程序狗速度看过来!
React Native 用 React 开发移动应用
ReactNative 可以基于目前大热的开源JavaScript库React.js来开发iOS和Android原生App。而且React Native已经用于生产环境——Facebook Groups iOS 应用就是基于它开发的。
React Native v0.27.0 发布了。更新如下:
Kill NavigationLegacyNavigator (ef44781)
Kill NavigationExperimental Containers (14eb427)
Kill NavigationView (c3714d7)
Animated: Implement toJSON method of Animated (17f0807)
Make RefreshControl properly controlled by JS (9aa37e8)
Expose a new prop transition
for scene renderer. (55c3086)
Add support for custom files in BugReporting (610cfdc)
Add "Open file" button to elements inspector (f203c5d)
Add transform-react-jsx-source
to react-native preset (858643d)
Fork NavigationAnimatedView to NavigationTransitioner (7db7f78)
Merge rnpm into react-native (149d0b9)
Protect against JS module call race condition while initializing react instance (a1ba091)
Fix propType check for NavigationCard. (b1cd1cb)
Fix RefreshControl race condition (8fbce30)
NavigationExperimental: didFocus
event should fired after transition finishes. (8975bb8)
Fix RefreshControl on initial render will not beginRefresh when refreshing (cac5ce3)
Fix a bug where NavigationPropTypes.SceneRenderer was a plain object (0e997c6)
Prevent SwipeableRow
bleed (5146775)
Fix 95% of WindowedListView jumpiness (5e91a2a)
Fix Android flash and iOS juttering (62e588b)
Fixed incorrect rows reported in onChangeVisibleRows (0aea74e)
Add pagingEnabled to HorizontalScrollView (a3146e4)
Open sourced SwipeRefreshLayoutRecordingModule (457e348)
Implement returnKeyType/returnKeyLabel (dd8caf4)
Add progressViewOffset to RefreshControl (f7ce0c1)
Ability to disable/lock the android ViewPager scroll from props (31250ad)
Fix race condition when clicks are received on react root view and react context is pending (fd37666)
Add FpsListener to React Scroll Views (b67d4a2)
Upgrade to OkHttp3 (6bbaff2)
Fix NetworkingModule construction with interceptors (921d0de)
More helpful error message when react-native start is forgotten (bc634ea)
Bug 修复
Fix Android picker controlling (0cd2904)
Make Modal Status Bar Translucent (191d278)
Increase the stack size for the React queue on older Android phones (d4f6f61)
Update the timestamp we send in touch events to be the more accurate (f2c1868)
NavigatorIOS: Expose interactivePopGestureEnabled property (4d2c72b)
Make the root view background color explicit (fa5d1fe)
Callback with image height and width from IOSImagePicker (df40f48)
Enable views to be nested within <Text>
Add Copy Stack button to Red Box (5047f6f)
Bug 修复
Fix distanceFilter caching for LocationObserver (2310494)
ScrollView: Always fire onScroll event for the resting scroll position (deef8aa)
Fixed crash due to inserting a nil object into an array in Image loader (ed1ee9b)
Provide correct animation function for hiding keyboard (03edc75)
Fixed NativeEventListener deregistration (516bf7b)