发布于 2017-08-01 03:21:47 | 103 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
OPNsense 防火墙和路由平台
OPNsense 是一个开源易用,而且易于构建的基于 FreeBSD 的防火墙和路由平台。包括大多数商业防火墙的特性。提供功能完整却易用的 GUI 管理界面。
OPNsense 17.7 已发布,更新内容:
interfaces: dhcp6c can now properly reload without leaking its listening socket to e.g. OpenVPN
interfaces: correctly write Host-Uniq string in PPPoE configuration (contributed by Paolo Velati)
firmware: fix JavaScript typo in the GUI that would prevent an update with a pending reboot
firmware: zap spurious newlines in end-of-life message
rc: allow to optionally prevent launch of configd via rc.conf variable
rc: print root file system when boot is completed
lang: Chinese 91% completed (contributed by Tianmo)
lang: Czech 94% completed (contributed by Pavel Borecki)
lang: German 100% completed (contributed by Fabian Franz et al)
lang: Japanese 92% completed (contributed by Chie and Takeshi Taguchi)
lang: Russian 89% completed (contributed by SmartSoft)
plugins: os-freeradius 1.0.0 (contributed by Michael Muenz)
plugins: os-quagga 1.3.2 (contributed by Fabian Franz and Michael Muenz)
src: do not update the LAGG link layer address when destroying a LAGG clone
src pull the next header as well to restore filtering on incoming IPsec NAT-T traffic
ports: haproxy 1.7.8
ports: strongswan 5.5.3
OPNsense 是一个开源易用,而且易于构建的基于 FreeBSD 的防火墙和路由平台。包括大多数商业防火墙的特性。提供功能完整却易用的 GUI 管理界面。