发布于 2016-12-17 00:59:26 | 203 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


OPNsense 防火墙和路由平台

OPNsense 是一个开源易用,而且易于构建的基于 FreeBSD 的防火墙和路由平台。包括大多数商业防火墙的特性。提供功能完整却易用的 GUI 管理界面。

OPNsense 17.1 Beta 发布了。


o system secondary console support with new EFI and Mute options
o installer now boots up with SSH for headless remote installation
o Italian as a release language (contributed by Antonio Prado)
o Czech as a release language (contributed by Pavel Borecki)
o HardenedBSD ASLR and PIE compilation for most binaries
o HardenedBSD SEGVGUARD to prevent ASLR brute force attacks
o PHP 7.0 compatibility and general GUI speed improvements
o improved password security (contributed by OSnet)
o FTP proxy plugin (contributed by Frank Brendel)
o PAM authentication module, e.g. 2FA on SSH
o IPsec tunnel isolation mode for interoperability
o Intel em(4) driver version 7.6.2 as a plugin
o micro versioning/migrations for config items
o constraint support for config items
o rewritten Nano images with growfs(8) support
o authentication methods are now fully pluggable
o firewall rules are now fully pluggable
o Tinc VPN Plugin
o FreeBSD 11.0


历史版本 :
OPNsense 18.1 RC1 发布,防火墙和路由平台
OPNsense 17.7 发布,防火墙和路由平台
OPNsense 17.1 发布,防火墙和路由平台
OPNsense 17.1 rc1 发布,防火墙和路由平台
OPNsense 17.1 Beta 发布,防火墙和路由平台
OPNsense 16.7 RC1 发布,防火墙和路由平台
OPNsense 16.1 发布,防火墙和路由平台
OPNsense 15.7.24/25 发布,防火墙和路由平台
OPNsense 15.7.24 发布,防火墙和路由平台
OPNsense 15.7.25 发布,防火墙和路由平台
OPNsense 15.7.23 发布,防火墙和路由平台
OPNsense 15.7.22 发布,防火墙和路由平台
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