发布于 2017-07-13 00:24:07 | 228 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache HTTP Server 2.4.27 稳定版发布了。
COMPATIBILITY: mod_lua: Remove the undocumented exported 'apr_table' global variable when using Lua 5.2 or later. This was exported as a side effect from luaL_register, which is no longer supported as of Lua 5.2 which deprecates pollution of the global namespace. [Rainer Jung]
COMPATIBILITY: mod_http2: Disable and give warning when using Prefork.
The server will continue to run, but HTTP/2 will no longer be negotiated.
[Stefan Eissing]
COMPATIBILITY: mod_proxy_fcgi: Revert to 2.4.20 FCGI behavior for the
default ProxyFCGIBackendType, fixing a regression with PHP-FPM. PR 61202.
[Jacob Champion, Jim Jagielski]