发布于 2016-04-10 00:52:42 | 248 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Web服务器
Apache 2.4.20 发布了!
*) Upgraded nghttp2 to 1.9.2 from 1.5.0 (Changelog)
ASF changes:
*) core: Do not read .htaccess if AllowOverride and AllowOverrideList
are "None". PR 58528.
[Michael Schlenker < msc contact.de, Ruediger Pluem, Daniel Ruggeri]
*) mod_proxy_express: Fix possible use of DB handle after close. PR 59230.
[Petr < pgajdos suse.cz>]
*) core/util_script: relax alphanumeric filter of enviroment variable names
on Windows to allow '(' and ')' for passing PROGRAMFILES(X86) et.al.
unadulterated in 64 bit versions of Windows. PR 46751.
[John < john leineweb de>]
*) mod_http2: incrementing keepalives on each request started so that logging
%k gives increasing numbers per master http2 connection.
New documented variables in env, usable in custom log formats: H2_PUSH,
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: more efficient passing of response bodies with less contention
and file bucket forwarding. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: fix for missing score board updates on request count, fix for
memory leak on slave connection reuse. [Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_http2: Fix build on Windows from dsp files.
[Stefan Eissing]