发布于 2017-06-08 00:28:53 | 86 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Pharo Smalltalk开发环境
Pharo的目标是提供一个简洁新颖的开源Smalltalk开发环境。Smalltalk被公认为历史上第二个面向对象的程序设计语言和第一个真正的集成开发环境(IDE)。Smalltalk由Alan Kay,Dan Ingalls,Ted Kaehler,Adele Goldberg等于70年代初在Xerox PARC开发。Smalltalk对其它众多的程序设计语言的产生起到了极大的推动作用,主要有:Objective-C,Actor,Java和Ruby等。90年代的许多软件开发思想得利于Smalltalk,例如设计模式、敏捷编程和重构等。
Pharo 6.0 发布了,
Pharo is now provided in 64-bit version in Linux and OSX and brings even better performance and stability (beware, 64bits version is a new technology and a small amount of tests is still failing)
A new code changes management system named Epicea for easier reviewing and recovering of your code easily
Integrated support for Git through an easy-to-use tool for repositories and commits management named Iceberg (as a preview for Pharo 6, it will be the default in Pharo 7)
The unified foreign function interface (UnifiedFFI) for interfacing with the outside world is significantly improved
The PharoVM is now part of OpenSmalltalk initiative
Introduction of object immutability, alternative bytecode sets and block closures independent of outer context
Pharo can now be bootstrapped from source code managed by Git
Pharo modularity is improved
Pharo is faster
The Dark Theme was improved and set as default color theme of Pharo