发布于 2017-05-08 00:02:44 | 170 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Racket 编程语言
Racket,既PLT Scheme,是一种可编程的计算机程序设计语言 ,同时也是一个程序设计环境。是Scheme众多实现中的一种。
Racket 6.9 发布了,该版本包含如下改进内容:
The official package catalog Web site is revised to have a new user experience.
The Northwestern snapshot site keeps weekly snapshots going up to 12 weeks into the past. Those provide a middle ground for users who want access to new features earlier than stable releases, but want less churn than nightly builds.
DrRacket provides a refactoring tool to remove unused requires in modules.
DrRacket’s #lang-line customization support works better with buggy (i.e., in development) languages.
The web server’s cookie libraries, including “id cookie” authentication, support RFC 6265.
Thedblibrary supports PostgreSQL’s UUID type.
Theracocommand lists matching commands when passed an ambiguous command prefix.
The bytecode compiler detects more optimization opportunities for structure operations.
Scribble can produce output via XeLaTeX as an alternative to LaTeX.
Scribble supports theacmartLaTeX style, for use with ACM publications.
Scribble supports the use of CJK characters in tags.