发布于 2015-06-21 00:17:07 | 246 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Racket 编程语言

Racket,既PLT Scheme,是一种可编程的计算机程序设计语言 ,同时也是一个程序设计环境。是Scheme众多实现中的一种。

Racket 6.2 发布了,在这个版本中我们对核心库进行了优化和减缩,并将代码迁移到 Github 上。

目前核心库的源码请看 https://github.com/plt/racket, 和扩展包的源码 https://github.com/racket/.

Racket源自著名的专家型语言PLT Scheme,同时又是Lisp语言的一个分支。它适用于从脚本Script到应用程序开发的任务执行工具,包括图形用户界面,Web服务器等。支持编译器的虚拟机,创建独立的可执行程序的工具,Racket Web服务器,具有丰富而全面的功能库,适用于初学者和专家编程。

Racket,既PLT Scheme,是一种可编程的计算机程序设计语言 ,同时也是一个程序设计环境。是Scheme众多实现中的一种。


core repo

* The package manager supports a direct references to Git repositories
   via "git://[...]", "http://[...].git", and "https://[...].git" URLs.
   (Previously, only references to GitHub were supported.)

* A `--clone` option for `raco pkg install` or `raco pkg update`
   facilitates Git-based package development. If a package X has a Git
   repository source, installing and updating the package pulls from the
   repository in a read-only mode. Using `raco pkg update --clone X`
   switches the local installation to a repository checkout that is
   suitable for modifying the package implementation, issuing pull
   requests, pushing changes, and so on.

   Using `raco pkg update --lookup X` switches the package back to the
   default installation mode.


* Its on-line check syntax works with graphical content.

* Increased availability of DrRacket's blueboxes, including method and
   constructor information.

* The "Open Require Path" menu item supports ".." in relative pathnames.


* Added data/enumerate, a library that supports efficient enumeration of
   data structures


* Its redex-check facility uses data (in addition to random) enumeration
   to try to find counter-examples.

* Its generate-term function accepts additional arguments to return the
   "i"-th member of a pattern using data/enumerate (meaning it
   efficiently supports very large values of "i").

* The examples collection includes Launchbury's 1993 big-step lazy


* 2htdp/image's polygon may be built out of bezier curves instead of
   just straight lines (see the docs for "pulled-point").

* 2htdp/abstraction is a teachpack for instructors and students who wish
   to use for/* loops, match, define-type and type-cases in ISL and ISL+.

* 2htdp/universe programs can be exported using DrRacket's executable
   creation mechanism and they behave properly when run independently.


* Typed Racket in DrRacket displays tooltips that show the types of
   expressions. Tooltips are also displayed for type errors.

* Typed Racket loads generated contracts only when needed. This reduces
   memory use and startup time for Typed Racket programs.

* Typed Racket has improved support for prefab structures, future
   semaphores, and async channels.

* Typed Racket understands when two different variables refer to the
   same thing, and updates types accordingly. This particularly improves
   the type checking of macros such as `match`

历史版本 :
Racket 6.11 发布,Lisp 语言分支
Racket 6.10 发布,Lisp 语言分支
Racket 6.9 发布,Lisp 语言分支
Racket 6.8 发布,Lisp 语言分支
Racket 6.6 发布,Lisp 语言分支
Racket 6.3 发布,Lisp 语言分支
Racket 6.2 发布,Lisp 语言分支
Racket v6.1 发布,Lisp 语言分支
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