发布于 2017-03-13 04:23:06 | 146 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Dropwizard Java框架
Dropwizard是一个Java框架,用于开发易于运维,高性能的RESTful 网络服务。
Dropwizard 1.1.0 rc2 发布了,
该版本依然是在为正式版做准备,Dropwizard 1.1.0 正式版将迎来:
Upgraded to Hibernate ORM 5.2.7, introducing a series of deprecations and API changes in preparation for Hibernate ORM 6 #1871
Add runtime certificate reload via admin task #1799
List available tasks lexically via admin task #1939
Add support for optional resource protection #1931
Invalid enum request parameters result in 400 response with possible choices #1734
Enum request parameters are deserialized in the same fuzzy manner, as the request body #1734
Request parameter name displayed in response to parse failure #1734
Add DurationParam
as a possible request parameter #1734
Add SizeParam
as a possible request parameter #1751
Allow overriding of a default ExceptionMapper
without re-registering all other defaults #1768
Allow overriding of default JsonProvider
Finer-grain control of exception behaviour in view renderers #1820
Default WebApplicationException
handler preserves exception HTTP headers #1912
JerseyClientBuilder can create rx-capable client #1721
Configurable response for empty Optional return values #1784
Add web test container agnostic way of invoking requests in ResourceTestRule
Remove OptionalValidatedValueUnwrapper #1583
Allow constraints to be applied to type #1586
Use LoadingCache in CachingAuthenticator #1615
Switch cert and peer validation to false by default #1855
Introduce CachingAuthorizer #1639
Enhance logging of registered endpoints #1804
Flush loggers on command exit instead of destroying logging #1947
Add support for neverBlock on AsyncAppenders #1917
Allow to disable caching of Mustache views #1289
Add the httpCompliance
option to the HTTP configuration #1825
Add the blockingTimeout
option to the HTTP configuration #1795
Add min
and mins
as valid Duration
abbreviations #1833
Register Jackson parameter-names modules #1908
Native Jackson deserialization of enums when Jackson annotations are present #1909
Add JsonConfigurationFactory for first-class support of the JSON configuration #1897
Upgraded to Jackson 2.8.7
Upgraded to Hibernate Validator 5.3.4.Final
Upgraded to Hibernate ORM 5.2.8.Final
Upgraded to Jetty 9.4.2.v20170220
Upgraded to tomcat-jdbc 8.5.9
Upgraded to Objenesis 2.5.1
Upgraded to AssertJ 3.6.2
Upgraded to classmate 1.3.3
Upgraded to Metrics 3.2.1 #1936
Upgraded to Mustache 0.9.4 #1766
Upgraded to Mockito 2.7.12
Upgraded to Liquibase 3.5.3
Upgraded to Logback 1.2.1 #1918
Upgraded to JDBI 2.78
Upgraded to Jersey 2.25.1
Upgraded to javassist 3.21.0-GA
Upgraded to Guava 21.0
Upgraded to SLF4J 1.7.24
Upgraded to H2 1.4.193
Upgraded to Joda-Time 2.9.7
Upgraded to commons-lang3 3.5
Upgraded to Apache HTTP Client 4.5.3