发布于 2016-03-20 23:53:50 | 206 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Dropwizard Java框架
Dropwizard是一个Java框架,用于开发易于运维,高性能的RESTful 网络服务。
Dropwizard 1.0.0-rc1 发布了,
Using Java 8 as baseline
bundle merged into mainline #1365
HTTP/2 and server push support #1349
module is removed in favor of dropwizard-http2
Switching to logback-access
for HTTP request logging #1415
Support for validating return values in JAX-RS resources #1251
Consistent handling null entities in JAX-RS resources #1251
Returning an HTTP 500 error for entities that can't be serialized #1347
Support fallback to the toString
method during deserializing enum values from JSON #1340
Support for setting default headers in Apache HTTP client #1354
Printing help once on invalid command line arguments #1376
Support for case insensitive and all single letter SizeUnit
suffixes #1380
Added a development profile to the build #1364
All the default exception mappers in ResourceTestRule
are registered by default #1387
Ability to provide own RequestLogFactory
Support for authentication by polymorphic principals #1392
Support for configuring Jetty's inheritedChannel
option #1410
Support for using DropwizardAppRule
at the suite level #1411
Support for adding multiple MigrationBundles
Upgraded to Apache HTTP Client 4.5.2
Upgraded to argparse4j 0.7.0
Upgraded to Guava 19.0
Upgraded to Hibernate 5.0.7 #1429
Upgraded to Hibernate Validator 5.2.4.Final
Upgraded to Jadira Usertype Core 5.0.0.GA
Upgraded to Jackson 2.7.3
Upgraded to JDBI 2.72 `#1358
Upgraded to Jersey 2.22.2
Upgraded to Jetty 9.3.8.v20160314 #1330
Upgraded to Joda-Time 2.9.2
Upgraded to Liquibase 3.4.2
Upgraded to liquibase-slf4j 2.0.0
Upgraded to Mustache 0.9.1
Upgraded to SLF4J 1.7.18
Upgraded to tomcat-jdbc 8.0.32
Upgraded to AssertJ 3.3.0