发布于 2017-03-11 23:59:16 | 96 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
MapBox MapKit 的开源实现
MapBox 是 iOS 上 MapKit 的一个开源实现。
MapBox-gl-js 0.33.1 发布了,MapBox 是 iOS 上 MapKit 的一个开源实现。本次更新主要是 bug 的修复。详细如下:
Prevent Mapbox logo from being added to the map more than once #4386
Add type='button'
to FullscreenControl
to prevent button from acting as a form submit #4397
Fix issue where map would continue to rotate if Ctrl
key is released before the click during a DragRotate
event #4389
Remove double options.easing
description from the Map#fitBounds
documentation #4402