发布于 2016-12-20 23:50:48 | 217 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
MapBox MapKit 的开源实现
MapBox 是 iOS 上 MapKit 的一个开源实现。
MapBox-gl-js 0.29 发布了,MapBox 是 iOS 上 MapKit 的一个开源实现。
为线图层上的许多样式属性添加对属性函数的支持 #3033
使Map#setStyle平滑地过渡到新的样式 #3621
将isSourceLoaded和源属性添加到MapDataEvent #3590
移除20的最大缩放上限 #3683
Fix memory leak when calling Map#removeSource
Reduce bundle size by adding custom build of gl-matrix
Improve performance of projection code #3721
Improve performance of style function evaluation #3816
Bug 修复
Fix exception thrown when using line-color
property functions #3639
Fix exception thrown when removing a layer and then adding another layer with the same id but different type #3655
Fix exception thrown when passing a single point to Map#fitBounds
Fix exception thrown occasionally during rapid map mutations #3681
Fix rendering defects on pitch=0 on some systems #3740
Fix unnecessary CPU usage when displaying a raster layer #3764
Fix bug causing sprite after Map#setStyle
Fix bug preventing Map
from emitting a contextmenu
event on Windows browsers #3822