发布于 2017-02-09 23:51:42 | 195 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Qpid 消息中间件
Qpid 是 Apache 开发的一款面向对象的消息中间件,它是一个 AMQP 的实现,可以和其他符合 AMQP 协议的系统进行通信。Qpid 提供了 C++/Python/Java/C# 等主流编程语言的客户端库,安装使用非常方便。相对于其他的 AMQP 实现,Qpid 社区十分活跃,有望成为标准 AMQP 中间件产品。除了符合 AMQP 基本要求之外,Qpid 提供了很多额外的 HA 特性,非常适于集群环境下的消息通信。
Apache Qpid Proton 0.17.0 发布了,
Bugs 修复
PROTON-1312 - BlockingConnection leaks Proton-C memory
PROTON-1376 - [C, windows] Release 0.16 build fail - src/protocol.h clobbered
PROTON-1377 - proton-c core library was not installed
PROTON-1378 - Two reactor final events generated
PROTON-1379 - Compile without warnings under g++ 7.0
PROTON-1380 - Cyrus SASL accesses strings that have been freed
PROTON-1382 - Remove bit fields initialization for bool fields
PROTON-1383 - Add missing includes to fix Solaris compilation
PROTON-1388 - client fails to decrypt after sasl encryption is negotiated with qpidd
PROTON-1389 - PROTON-1325: Repair broken fix for python "buffer" type.
PROTON-1390 - Go fixes to build with gccgo
PROTON-1391 - Passing NULL as a SASL selected mechanism is crashing pn_do_error on Solaris
PROTON-1392 - SWIG doesn't define how to export symbols on Solaris
PROTON-1395 - go: testing with -race fails on some platforms
PROTON-1385 - make proton-j independently releasable
PROTON-1386 - disable the PHP binding build by default
PROTON-1396 - 0.17.0 release tasks