发布于 2017-01-26 00:28:08 | 137 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
ShareX 高级截图工具
ShareX 是开源的高级截图工具和屏幕记录器。使用 ShareX,只需要一个快捷键就可以保存截图到你的粘贴板,硬盘或者上传到 40 不同的文件存储服务上。ShareX 的插件还可以上传图片,文本文件和其他各种文件类型。
ShareX 11.5.0 发布了。更新如下:
Region capture related changes:
Undo Ctrl + Z
Delete Del
Delete all Shift + Del
Bring to front Home
Bring forward Page up
Send backward Page down
Send to back End
Added drop shadow support
Replaced rounded rectangle shapes with corner radius option to rectangle shapes
Added capture last region button to capture menu
Added edit menu to toolbar:
Annotation options will be reset to new defaults
Changed visual of arrow cap
Added customizable actions toolbar which is accessable from tray menu
Added toggle actions toolbar and exit ShareX hotkeys
Added ShareX custom uploader extension .sxcu
support. Users can now simply double click .sxcu
files. ShareX can activate custom uploader and select proper destinations automatically. Users won’t need any manual configuration to use custom uploaders.
Added “Destination type” option to custom uploader tab which is used when user double clicks .sxcu
files so ShareX can know which destination to set custom uploader as active
Added H.264 NVENC & HEVC (H.265) NVENC encoder support (NVENC supported GPU, latest NVIDIA driver and up to date FFmpeg is required)
Added HTTPS result link option for Imgur
Added Pastie text uploader (by @plutoforever)
Added “OCR image” button to main window right click task menu
Added “Combine images” button to main window right click task menu which is only visible when two or more image files are selected
Check if file exists before screen recording and show file exists window if necessary
Added Nextcloud support to ownCloud file uploader (by @aStonedPenguin)
Changed Dropbox default settings for new users, moved upload path to outside public folder and enabled shareable URL option in preparation for Dropbox to disable public folders on March 15, 2017
Polr API v2 support which will be active by default, from settings API v1 can be enabled back
Removed Automate tool and moved it to its own GitHub page
Added resize if smaller option to resize image effect (by @wolfborg)
Updated Amazon S3 to include new endpoints
On upload errors include request URL in error message