发布于 2016-11-03 23:50:29 | 117 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
ShareX 高级截图工具
ShareX 是开源的高级截图工具和屏幕记录器。使用 ShareX,只需要一个快捷键就可以保存截图到你的粘贴板,硬盘或者上传到 40 不同的文件存储服务上。ShareX 的插件还可以上传图片,文本文件和其他各种文件类型。
ShareX 11.4.0 发布了。
Region capture related changes:
Added tools toolbar which will show up at top of the active monitor
Removed right click tools menu because the newly added toolbar is more user friendly
Right click will now cancel capture or remove the object under the cursor by default
Tips will also be hidden by default
Added center node to line and arrow tools to allow drawing curved lines
Added destination filtering by file extension to be able to upload specific file types to the destination of choice (Task settings window -> Uploader filters tab)
Hidden background UWP applications not included in the window list and region capture hover areas (by @campbeb)
Added file path parameter support to -ImageEditor
CLI command (by @ventzz)