发布于 2016-11-02 01:03:05 | 202 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
IPFire Linux防火墙
IPFire是适用于小型企业、家庭办公等的开源防火墙,它具有很强的模块化和灵活性。IPFire社区还关注安全性,并将IPFire作为一种状 态包检 测防火墙来开发。其特性包括:可部署为防火墙、代理服务器或VPN网关、内容过滤、内建的入侵检测系统、支持wiki、论坛等、支持虚拟化环境的KVM、 VmWare、Xen等虚拟机管理程序。
Passwords are now saved with a stronger hash (SHA512) which was MD5 before. Please change the root password using the setup tools to store your passwords with the improved hash.
Firewall: An incorrect validation of destination IP addresses for rules that use Destination NAT caused that some valid addresses were not accepted. This is fixed now.
PPP connections no longer require a password being set (some providers require these being empty)
The NTP client now waits correctly for WiFi connections being established before continuing to boot
The samba
add-on enables SMBv2 by default
IPFire now ships the firmware for MediaTek 7601 series devices
Various old software components that are not used any more are cleaned up from the systems
The iptables page on the web user interface has been improved to be more readable