发布于 2016-04-15 00:27:31 | 184 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
IPFire Linux防火墙
IPFire是适用于小型企业、家庭办公等的开源防火墙,它具有很强的模块化和灵活性。IPFire社区还关注安全性,并将IPFire作为一种状 态包检 测防火墙来开发。其特性包括:可部署为防火墙、代理服务器或VPN网关、内容过滤、内建的入侵检测系统、支持wiki、论坛等、支持虚拟化环境的KVM、 VmWare、Xen等虚拟机管理程序。
IPFire 2.19 Core 100 发布了。
Many programs and tools of the toolchain that is used have been updated. A new version of the GNU Compiler Collections offers more efficient code, stronger hardening and compatibility for C++11
GCC 4.9.3, binutils
2.24, bison
3.0.4, grep
2.22, m4
1.4.17, sed
4.2.2, xz
, the IPFire-internal DNS proxy has been updated and many instability issues have been fixed
has been updated to version 2.3.7 and the generated configuration files have been updated to be compatible with upcoming versions of OpenVPN
IPFire will now wait with booting up when the time needs to synchronised and DHCP is used until the connection is established and then continue booting up
was updated to version 9.10.3-P2
was updated to version 4.2.8p5
, the database for timezone definitions, was updated to version 2016b
Various cosmetic fixes were done on the web user interface
A bug causing VLAN devices not being created when the parent NIC comes up has been fixed
DHCP client: Resetting the MTU on broken NICs that lose link has been fixed
A ramdisk to store the databases of the graphs shown in the web user interface is now used by default again on installations that use the flash image when more than 400MB of memory is available
A bug that the Quality of Service could not be stopped has been fixed
Some old code has been refurbished and some unused code has been dropped in some internal IPFire components
has been updated to version 7.0.11
has been updated to version 2.5.1
has been updated to version 3.1.2
镜像下载: http://www.ipfire.org/download • LinuxTracker.org