发布于 2016-07-22 10:28:08 | 217 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Apache ActiveMQ JMS 消息服务器

ActiveMQ 是Apache出品,最流行的,能力强劲的开源消息总线。ActiveMQ 是一个完全支持JMS1.1和J2EE 1.4规范的 JMS Provider实现,尽管JMS规范出台已经是很久的事情了,但是JMS在当今的J2EE应用中间仍然扮演着特殊的地位。

ActiveMQ 5.13.4 已经发布。修复了30多个问题。

PS. 真的很想看到最近版本的 ActiveMQ, Artemis, Rabbitmq 的对比评测。



  • [AMQ-5426] - ActiveMQMessageConsumer could run into NPE due to concurrent access to internal state

  • [AMQ-5886] - AMQ accepts illegal MQTT protocol level (5, only 3 and 4 are defined)

  • [AMQ-6194] - Deleting a temporary queue creates a warning message in the broker

  • [AMQ-6271] - activemq-osgi defines wrong range for org.springframework.osgi...

  • [AMQ-6275] - Error when using ws transport connector

  • [AMQ-6285] - MessageDatabase doesn't properly cleanup the checkpoint scheduler on shutdown

  • [AMQ-6287] - Message ack rewrite task doesn't properly release index lock

  • [AMQ-6290] - JMS Pool reconnection logic not always reliable

    [AMQ-6291] - Thread unsafe code in TcpTransportServer can lead to NPE or other errors on start / stop

  • [AMQ-6298] - Incorrect Import-Package version range for org.springframework.osgi

  • [AMQ-6305] - AMQP: Drain requests can go unaswered in certain cases.

  • [AMQ-6310] - Certain VirtualTopic configurations no longer send messages to the correct queue

  • [AMQ-6325] - JMS Selector parsing will not fail if a valid selector is followed by invalid text

  • [AMQ-6334] - ActiveMQConnection triggered heap space out of memory error when used with org.apache.activemq.network.SimpleJmsQueueConnector

  • [AMQ-6340] - Queue order lost on consumer close in some cases

  • [AMQ-6343] - [MQTT] LWT doesn't work over a websocket connection

  • [AMQ-6345] - [MQTT] ping response without CONNECT

    [AMQ-6346] - Concurrent access to a MQTT Transport from WebSocket client can deadlock

  • [AMQ-6350] - PooledConnectionFactory throws 'IllegalStateException: Pool not open' after re-init

  • [AMQ-6352] - Temporary message store cursor does not track store message size properly

  • [AMQ-6353] - AMQP: Using JMS Transformer, preserve the type of the original CorrelationId

  • [AMQ-6356] - Processing a KahaUpdateMessageCommand can lead to wrong store size being reported

  • [AMQ-6357] - shutdown due to a local error: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero


  • [AMQ-6100] - Virtual topic message destination should be the target queue

  • [AMQ-6292] - ACK rewrite task does unnecessary syncs

  • [AMQ-6301] - Embed spring-dm in activemq-osgi to avoid loading spring-dm in Karaf

  • [AMQ-6304] - Container-id field blank on sending an AMQP 1.0 open frame to the client

  • [AMQ-6319] - AMQP: Make it easier to disable accepting non-SASL clients and add more tests.

  • [AMQ-6328] - Upgrade Camel to latest


  • [AMQ-6274] - Add option to composite destinations to set originalMessage header

历史版本 :
ActiveMQ 5.13.4 发布,JMS 消息服务器
ActiveMQ 5.13.2 发布,JMS 消息服务器
ActiveMQ 5.13.1 已经发布
ActiveMQ 5.12.1 发布,JMS 消息服务器
ActiveMQ 5.12.0 发布,JMS 消息服务器
ActiveMQ 5.11.1 发布,开源消息总线
ActiveMQ 5.10.0 发布,JMS 消息服务器
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