发布于 2016-02-14 14:56:13 | 190 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache ActiveMQ JMS 消息服务器
ActiveMQ 是Apache出品,最流行的,能力强劲的开源消息总线。ActiveMQ 是一个完全支持JMS1.1和J2EE 1.4规范的 JMS Provider实现,尽管JMS规范出台已经是很久的事情了,但是JMS在当今的J2EE应用中间仍然扮演着特殊的地位。
ActiveMQ 5.13.1 已经发布了。该版本包含了超过40项的问题修复和增强。
相关 Changelog:
[AMQ-6077] - Better configuration of restricted classes for clients
[AMQ-6080] - Fix typos relating to AMQ-6027
[AMQ-6091] - Java runtime policy update should support a list of properties to apply retrospectively
[AMQ-6096] - AMQP: Update to latest bugfix release of Proton-J
[AMQ-6104] - Upgrade to Spring 4.1.9
[AMQ-6126] - The corePoolSize value of the TaskRunnerFactory created Executor should be configurable
[AMQ-6138] - ACTIVEMQ_CLASSPATH not extendable
[AMQ-6149] - Pre-configure jolokia
[AMQ-6005] - Slave broker startup corrupts shared PList storage
[AMQ-6052] - Network of brokers on duplex mode reports InstanceAlreadyExistsException on already existing destinations
[AMQ-6059] - DLQ message lost after broker restarts
.....(更多BUG列表请点击上面的 changelog 去查看)