发布于 2016-05-28 23:49:53 | 201 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Dojo JavaScript框架
Dojo是一个用javascript语言实现的开源DHTML工具包。它是在几个项目捐助基础上建立起来的(nWidgets,Burstlib,f(m)),这也是为什么叫它a"unified"toolkit的原因。Dojo的目标是解决开发DHTML应用程序遇到的那些,长期存在、历史问题(historical problems with DHTML)。跨浏览器问题。
这个版本经过测试支持如下的用户代理。 如果一个用户代理没有列在支持列表中,他仍然可能可用,尤其是在一些快速迭代的浏览器中 (Chrome, Firefox)。未来Dojo的小版本更新可能包括对这些未来版本浏览器的支持的修正,但是不会保证会这么做。
Edge 12
Firefox 3.6-45
Safari 6-9
Chrome 13-50
IE 8-11
Opera 10.50-12 (Dojo core only). Blink-based versions of Opera should work like Chrome, but are not officially tested or supported for this release.
iOS (Mobile Safari), 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, and 9.x (including all Dijit widgets except Editor)
Android (Android Browser and Chrome) 2.3, 4.0-4.4, 5.0-5.1, and 6.0 (Platform browser and Chrome browser) (including all Dijit widgets for Android 4.0-4.4 except Editor)
BlackBerry 6-7 & 10 (Platform browser)
Windows Phone 8 (IE10)
Mobile compatibility on desktop browsers: Edge 12, IE 8-11, Firefox 4-43, Chrome 13-47
Node 0.10.X, 0.12.x, 4.x, 5.x
The dojo, dijit, dojox, util, and themes packages now have a bower.json file
The dojo, dijit, dojox, and themes packages will exclude node_modules installed within these packages. This is to prevent breaking the build when installing development tools such as Intern or Stylus within a package.
A feature test, 'has("csp-restrictions")' was added for non-csp compliant code. Please set this feature test to true in order to run code that must be csp compliant.
Added 'has("console-as-object")' for IE9 console quirks. http://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/18197
Added 'has("dom-contains")'. Browsers that natively support 'DOMNode.contains()' will now use this directly.
Previously, if a number is passed as the second argument to the dojo/html.set method, it resulted in a "Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'" error. In this situation, numbers should be synonymous with strings for setting content in nodes, so we have fixed this to allow the content to be numeric. https://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/18703
Added selectorTarget property from on.selector as property of event object, https://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/18355
System Message: WARNING/2 (/, line 84)
Title underline too short.
dojo/sniff ---------
Added feature tests for Edge, 'has("edge")', and modern Opera, 'has("opr")'. Note also that 'has("ie")' is false for IE11 as it was replaced with 'has("trident")' per request from Microsoft http://mail.dojotoolkit.org/pipermail/dojo-interest/2013-December/079827.html . Usage of browser sniffing is strongly discourated. Whenever possible, you should not use sniffing and should instead use feature detection.
null queries with JsonRest that provide parameters after ? will no longer include the string null in the query. https://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/17628
You can now escape $ in expessions, making it possible to specify a queryExpr: '${0}' inside a template without having to modify the caller or widget (for example, within a FilteringSelect Dijit https://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/18207
keep class id if srcNodeRef.id is empty string in create(), https://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/18803
Enable looping over objects with {% for key, value in object %}, https://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/17251 . This will break existing templates that treats objects as array of values (ie discarding keys).
BusyButton, BusyDropDownButton, and BusyComboButton refactored so they can be loaded over AMD.
Fixeddojox/layout/GridContainerLiteto work in apps using more than one instance or version of Dojo.
Fixed to work in apps using more than one instance or version of Dojo.
A new dojox/store/OData store has been added.
A new dojox/store/DynamoDB store has been added.
New tests for dojox/store now use Intern.
Add support for ES language version for Closure Compiler. https://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/16601
Build system will leave intentionally undefined staticHasFeatures as undefined, making it possible to easier to create builds that can run in multiple environments (e.g. Electron and web workers). https://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/17193
If usingdojox/dtl, the change to looping may impact you.
BusyDropDownButton and BusyComboButton were split into separate files, so they need to be required explicitly,
System Message: WARNING/2 (/, line 154)
Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
rather than just loading dojox/form/BusyButton.