发布于 2016-03-06 00:32:16 | 146 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Dojo JavaScript框架
Dojo是一个用javascript语言实现的开源DHTML工具包。它是在几个项目捐助基础上建立起来的(nWidgets,Burstlib,f(m)),这也是为什么叫它a"unified"toolkit的原因。Dojo的目标是解决开发DHTML应用程序遇到的那些,长期存在、历史问题(historical problems with DHTML)。跨浏览器问题。
Dojo 1.10 发布了。
The following user agents have been tested and are supported in this release. If a user agent version is not listed as supported, it still may work, especially on browsers with rapid release cycles (Chrome, Firefox). Future minor releases of Dojo might include fixes to support future releases of these browsers, but it is not guaranteed.
Also please note that even if IE6 and 7 code paths have not been removed, Dojo 1.10 is removing official support for those browsers.
Firefox 3.6-20
Safari 5-6
Chrome 13-26
IE 8-10
Opera 10.50-12 (Dojo core only)
Mobile (dojox/mobile)
iOS 4.x, 5.x (Mobile Safari) and 6.x (including all Dijit widgets except Editor)
Android 2.2-2.3, 3.1-3.2, 4.0-4.2 (Platform browser)
BlackBerry 6-7 & 10 (Platform browser)
Windows Phone 8 (IE10)
Mobile compatibility on desktop browsers: IE 8-10, Firefox 4-20, Safari 5-6, Chrome 13-26