发布于 2016-05-18 03:47:37 | 195 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
jsoup HTML解析器
jsoup 是一款 Java 的HTML 解析器,可直接解析某个URL地址、HTML文本内容。它提供了一套非常省力的API,可通过DOM,CSS以及类似于JQuery的操作方法来取出和操作数据。
jsoup 1.9.2 发布,改进内容包括:
1. In XML documents, detect the charset from the XML prolog -- <?xml encoding="UTF-8"?>
Bug 修复
1. Fixed an issue where tag names that contained non-ascii characters but started with an ascii character would cause the parser to get stuck in an infinite loop.
2. Fixed an issue where API created XML documents would have an incorrect prolog.
3. Fixed an issue where you could not use an attribute selector to find values containing unbalanced braces or parentheses.
4. Fixed an issue where namespaced tags (like <fb:comment>) would causeElement.cssSelector() to fail.