发布于 2016-04-18 03:17:17 | 148 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


jsoup HTML解析器

jsoup 是一款 Java 的HTML 解析器,可直接解析某个URL地址、HTML文本内容。它提供了一套非常省力的API,可通过DOM,CSS以及类似于JQuery的操作方法来取出和操作数据。

jsoup 1.9.1 发布。



  • Added support for HTTP and SOCKS request proxies, specifiable per connection. See Connection.proxy(String, int).

  • Added support for sending plain HTTP request bodies in POST and PUT requests, with Connection.requestBody(String).

  • Added support in Jsoup.Connect() for HEAD, OPTIONS, and TRACE.

  • Added support for HTTP 307 Temporary Redirect (replays posts, if applicable).

  • Performance improvements when parsing HTML, particularly on Android Dalvik.

  • Added support for writing HTML into Appendable objects (like OutputStreamWriter), to enable stream serialization. See Node.html(T)

  • Added support for XML namespaces when converting jsoup documents to W3C documents.

  • Added support for UTF-16 and UTF-32 character set detection from byte-order-marks (BOM).

  • Added support for tags with non-ascii (unicode) letters.

  • Added Connection.data(String) to retrieve a data KeyVal by its key. Useful to update form data before submission.

Bug 修复

  • Fixed an issue in the Parent selector where it would not match against the root element it was applied to.

  • Fix an issue where Elements.select(String) would not return every matching element if they had the same content.

  • Added not-null validators to Element.appendText() and Element.prependText()

  • Fixed an issue when moving moving nodes using Element.insert(int, Collection) where the sibling index would be set incorrectly, leading to the original loads being lost.

  • Reverted Node.equals() and Node.hashCode() back to identity (object) comparisons, as deep content inspection had negative performance impacts and hashkey stability problems. Functionality replaced with Node.hasSameValue().

  • In Connection, if the same header key is seen multiple times, combine their values with a comma per the HTTP RFC, instead of keeping just one value. Also fixes an issue where header values could be out of order.



  1. 从一个URL,文件或字符串中解析HTML;

  2. 使用DOM或CSS选择器来查找、取出数据;

  3. 可操作HTML元素、属性、文本;


历史版本 :
jsoup 1.11.2 发布,Java 的 HTML 解析器
jsoup 1.10.3 发布,Java 的 HTML 解析器
jsoup 1.10.2 发布,Java 的 HTML 解析器
Jsoup 1.10.1 发布,Java 的 HTML 解析器
jsoup 1.9.2 发布,Java 的 HTML 解析器
jsoup 1.9.1 发布,HTML 解析器
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