发布于 2015-10-10 00:28:24 | 150 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Julia 动态高级程序设计语言
Julia 是一个面向科学计算的高性能动态高级程序设计语言。其语法与其他科学计算语言相似。在许多情况下拥有能与编译型语言相媲美的性能。
Julia 0.4.0 发布,此版本包括重要的语言优化和大量标准库改进。完整改进列表请看NEWS log。
Julia 0.4.0 现已提供下载。
Improvements in the performance and flexibility of multidimensional abstract arrays,SubArrays (array views), and efficient multidimensional iterators.
Inter-task channels for faster communication between parallel tasks
Tuple type improvements: the type tuple (A,B)
now written Tuple{A,B}
. This change has improved the performance of many tuple-related operations, and allowed one to write fixed-size aggregate fields as field::NTuple{N,T}
umber of elements of given T
Major improvements in Julia’s test coverage and the ability to analyze the test coverage of packages
The command line (REPL) now supports tab-completion of emoji characters (common LaTeX symbols have been supported since 0.3!)
Julia 0.5 版本开发计划
A major focus of 0.5 will be further (breaking) improvements to core array functionality, as detailed in this issue.
We plan to merge the threading branch, but the functionality will be considered experimental and only available as a compile- time flag for the near future.
Julia是一个新的高性能动态高级编程语言。语法和其他编程语言类似,易于其他语言用户学习。Julia拥有丰富的函数库,提供了数字精度、精致的增幅 器(sophisticated amplifier)和分布式并行运行方式。核心函数库等大多数库是由Julia编写,但也用成熟的C和FORTRAN库来处理线性代数、随机数产生和字 符串处理等问题。Julia语言可定义函数并且根据用户自定义的参数类型组合再进行重载。