发布于 2015-10-07 09:57:11 | 214 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
REST Web Services use service-specific XML formats. These ad-hoc standards mean that the manner for accessing a REST web service is different for each service. REST web services typically use URL parameters (GET data) or path information for requesting data and POST data for sending data.
The Zend Framework provides both Client and Server capabilities, which, when used together allow for a much more "local" interface experience via virtual object property access. The Server component features automatic exposition of functions and classes using a meaningful and simple XML format. When accessing these services using the Client, it is possible to easily retrieve the return data from the remote call. Should you wish to use the client with a non-Zend_Rest_Server based service, it will still provide easier data access.