发布于 2015-10-07 09:53:00 | 170 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理

33.3. Zend_Rest_Server

33.3.1. Introduction

Zend_Rest_Server is intended as a fully-featured REST server.

33.3.2. REST Server Usage

例 33.6. Basic Zend_Rest_Server Usage - Classes

$server = new Zend_Rest_Server();


例 33.7. Basic Zend_Rest_Server Usage - Functions

 * Say Hello
 * @param string $who
 * @param string $when
 * @return string
function sayHello($who, $when)
    return "Hello $who, Good $when";

$server = new Zend_Rest_Server();


33.3.3. Calling a Zend_Rest_Server Service

To call a Zend_Rest_Server service, you must supply a GET/POST method argument with a value that is the method you wish to call. You can then follow that up with any number of arguments using either the name of the argument (i.e. "who") or using arg following by the numeric position of the argument (i.e. "arg1").

[注意] Numeric index

Numeric arguments use a 1-based index.

To call sayHello from the example above, you can use either:




33.3.4. Sending A Custom Status

When returning values, to return a custom status, you may return an array with a status key.

例 33.8. Returning Custom Status

 * Say Hello
 * @param string $who
 * @param string $when
 * @return array
function sayHello($who, $when)
    return array('msg' => "An Error Occurred", 'status' => false);

$server = new Zend_Rest_Server();

33.3.5. Returning Custom XML Responses

If you wish to return custom XML, simply return a DOMDocument, DOMElement or SimpleXMLElement object.

例 33.9. Return Custom XML

 * Say Hello
 * @param string $who
 * @param string $when
 * @return SimpleXMLElement
function sayHello($who, $when)
    $xml ='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <value>Hey $who! Hope you're having a good $when</value>

    $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml);
    return $xml;

$server = new Zend_Rest_Server();


The response from the service will be returned without modification to the client.

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