发布于 2015-09-05 03:16:19 | 996 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
Goto Anything lets you navigate files swiftly. Open it with Ctrl+P
. As you type into the input area, names of open files and files in open directories will be searched, and a preview of the best match will be shown. This preview is transient, that is, it won’t become the actual active buffer until you perform some operation on it. Transient views go away when you press Esc
. You will find transient views in other situations. They are like ghosts or something.
“随意跳转” 可以让你方便的在文件之间切换,使用 Ctrl+P
启动该功能。你在输入栏输入,ST则会 对已经打开的文件或者目录进行搜索,并给出匹配最佳的搜索结果的预览。如果你不进行任何操作,将不会 真正加载这些文件。可以按:kbd:`Esc`取消预览界面。快捷预览界面形似鬼魅,你在使用ST的其他功能时也会遇到哦。
Goto Anything lives up to its name –there’s more to it than locating files: “随意跳转”正如其名,其功能不仅限于查找文件:
To perform a fuzzy search, append #
and then keep typing, like this:
还可以在输入一些内容后接上 #
再接着输入来进行 模糊搜索 ,,比如说:
This instructs Sublime Text to perform a fuzzy search for treasure in the file whose name matches island. Pressing Ctrl+;
will open Goto Anything and type #
for you.
Sublime Text会进行在所有文件名匹配 island 的文件中搜索 treasure 关键字。使用组合键 Ctrl+;
可以打开“随意跳转” 功能并输入 #
And there’s more:
To search symbols in the active buffer, press Ctrl+R
. The operator @
can be used as explained above too.
可以通过按下组合键 Ctrl+R
在活动缓冲区中进行**符号搜索** 。操作符 @
To go to a line number, press Ctrl+G
. The operator :
can be used as explained above too.
可以通过按下组合键 Ctrl+G`来跳转到指定的行号。操作符 `
:`` 与之前提到的用法相同。
Searching for symbols will only work for file types that have symbols defined for them.
The sidebar gives you an overview of your project. Files and folders added to the sidebar will be available in Goto Anything and project-wide actions. Projects and the sidebar are closely related. There’s always an open project, whether it’s implicit or explicit.
侧边栏可以提供一个项目的概览视图。添加到侧边栏的文件和目录均可以通过“随意跳转”功能访问,并且响应 项目范围内的指令。项目与侧边栏是密切相关的。不管以显式或是隐式的方式,总是有一个项目存在于侧边栏中。
To open or close the sidebar, press Ctrl+K, Ctrl+B
可以通过组合键:kbd:`Ctrl+K, Ctrl+B`来打开或关闭侧边栏。
The sidebar can be navigated with the arrow keys, but first you need to give it the input focus by pressing Ctrl+0
. To return input focus to the buffer, press Esc
. Alternatively, you can use the mouse to the same effect, but why would you?
在侧边栏可以使用方向键来在文件间切换,但是首先需要通过按组合键:kbd:Ctrl+0 使其获得**输入焦点**。 如果希望缓冲区重新获得输入焦点,则需要按 :kbd:`Esc`键。同样,你也可以使用鼠标达到同样的效果,但是 你有必要这么做吗?
The sidebar also provides basic file management operations through the context menu.
Projects group sets of files and directories you need to work on as a unit. Once you’ve set up your project the way that suits you by adding folders, save it and give it a name.
项目可以将你需要的文件和目录组织成一个单元。当你将项目需要的目录均添加进来以后,你可以这些保存 成一个项目并命名该项目。
To save a project, go to Project | Save Project As....
保存项目可以使用菜单中的 项目 | 项目另存为....
To quickly switch between projects, press Ctrl+Alt+P
可以使用组合键 Ctrl+Alt+P
Project data are stored in JSON files with a .sublime-project extension. Wherever there’s a .sublime-project file, you will find an ancillary .sublime-workspace file too. The second one is used by Sublime Text and you shouldn’t edit it yourself.
项目数据保存在一些以 .sublime-project 为扩展名的JSON文件中。只要有 .sublime-project 文件,相应的都会有一个`.sublime-workspace` 文件。后者是Sublime Text使用,用户请不要进行修改。
Project files can define settings specific to that project only. More on that in the `official documentation`_.
项目文件可以根据项目进行特殊的设定。更多细节可以参考 官方文档。
You can open a project from the command line by passing the .sublime- project file as an argument.
在命令行模式下,可以通过将 .sublime-project 文件做为参数来打开整个项目。