发布于 2015-09-05 03:08:11 | 479 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理

Build systems let you run your files through external programs and see the output they generate within Sublime Text.

构建系统可以让您通过外部程序来运行文件,并可以在Sublime Text查看输出。

Build systems consist of two –or optionally three– parts:

  • configuration data in JSON format (the .sublime-build file contents)
  • a Sublime Text command driving the build process
  • optionally, an external executable file (script, binary file)

构建系统包括两 – 或者说三个 – 部分

  • 使用JSON格式保存配置文件 (.sublime-build 内容)
  • 使用Sublime Text命令来驱动构建过程
  • 还包括一个外部的可执行程序(脚本或者二进制)

Essentially, .sublime-build files are configuration data for an external program as well as for the Sublime Text command just mentioned. In them, you specify the switches, options and environment information you want forwarded.

从根本上来讲,.sublime-build 配置文件对于外部可执行程序与前面提到的Sublime Text命令是一样的。在配置文件中可以指定开关、配置以及环境变量。

The Sublime Text command then receives the data stored in the .sublime-build file. At this point, it can do whatever it needs to build the files. By default, build systems will use the exec command, implemented in Packages/Default/exec.py. As we’ll explain below, you can override this command.

Sublime Text命令从 .sublime-build 中读取配置数据,然后根据需要*构建*这些文件。 构建系统缺省会使用``exec`` 命令,该命令在 Packages/Default/exec.py 中实现。 在后续的讲解中,我们会重写这个命令。

Lastly, the external program may be a shell script you’ve created to process your files, or a well-known utility like make or tidy. Usually, these executable files will receive paths to files or directories, along with switches and options to be run with.

外部程序可能是你用来处理文件的脚本,也可以能是类似 maketidy 这类的命令。通常,这些可执行文件从配置中获取文件路径或者目录以及运行是需要的开关及选项。

Note that build systems need not call any external program at all if there isn’t any reason to; you could implement a build system entirely in a Sublime Text command.

注意,构建系统可以完全不依赖调用外部程序,完全可以通过Sublime Text


.构建系统 文件使用JSON. 以下是一个例子:

    "cmd": ["python", "-u", "$file"],
    "file_regex": "^[ ]*File "(...*?)", line ([0-9]*)",
    "selector": "source.python"


Array containing the command to run and its desired arguments. If you don’t specify an absolute path, the external program will be searched in your PATH, one of your system’s environmental variables.


包括命令及其参数数组。如果不指定绝对路径,外部程序会在你系统的:const:PATH 环境变量中搜索。

On Windows, GUIs are supressed.

在Windows 系统中,*TBT*

Optional. Regular expression (Perl-style) to capture error output of cmd. See the next section for details.
可选。 Perl格式的正则表达式可以获取``cmd``的错误输出,详情参考下一节
Optional. If file_regex doesn’t match on the current line, but line_regex exists, and it does match on the current line, then walk backwards through the buffer until a line matching file regex is found, and use these two matches to determine the file and line to go to.


可选。当``file_regex``与该行不匹配,如果``line_regex``存在,并且确实与当前行匹配, 则遍历整个缓冲区,直到与``file regex``匹配的行出现,并用这两个匹配决定最终要跳转的文件 或行。
Optional. Used when Tools | Build System | Automatic is set to true. Sublime Text uses this scope selector to find the appropriate build system for the active view.
可选。在选定 Tools | Build System | Automatic 时使用。Sublime Text使用这个 选择器自动为活动试图选择构建系统。
Optional. Directory to change the current directory to before running cmd. The original current directory is restored afterwards.
Optional. Output encoding of cmd. Must be a valid python encoding. Defaults to UTF-8.

Optional. Sublime Text command to run. Defaults to exec (Packages/Default/exec.py). This command receives the configuration data specified in the .build-system file.

Used to override the default build system command. Note that if you choose to override the default command for build systems, you can add arbitrary variables in the .sublime-build file.


可选。运行的Sublime Text命令,缺省为``exec`` (Packages/Default/exec.py)。该命令从 *.build-system*中获取配置数据。

用来替代缺省的构建系统命令。注意,如果你希望替代构建系统的缺省命令,请在*.sublime-build* 文件中专门设置。


Optional. Dictionary of environment variables to be merged with the current process’ before passing them to cmd.

Use this element, for example, to add or modify environment variables without modifying your system’s settings.

Optional. If true, cmd will be run through the shell (cmd.exe, bash…).
可选。如果该选项为``true`` ,``cmd``则可以通过shell运行。

Optional. This string will replace the current process’ PATH before calling cmd. The old PATH value will be restored after that.

Use this option to add directories to PATH without having to modify your system’s settings.


可选。该选项可以在调用``cmd``前替换当前进程的’ PATH 。原来的’ PATH 将在运行后恢复。

使用这个选项可以在不修改系统设置的前提下将目录添加到’ PATH 中。

Optional. A list of dictionaries of options to override the main build system’s options. Variant ``name``s will appear in the Command Palette for easy access if the build system’s selector matches for the active file.
可选。用来替代主构建系统的备选。如果构建系统的选择器与激活的文件匹配,变量的``名称``则 会出现在 Command Palette 中。
Only valid inside a variant (see variants). Identifies variant build systems. If name is Run, the variant will show up under the Tools | Build System menu and be bound to Ctrl + Shift + B.
仅在variant中是合法的 (详见 variants)。用来标识系统中不同的构建系统。如果 ``name``是*Run* ,则会显示在**Tools | Build System** 下,并且可以使用 *Ctrl + Shift + B*调用。

使用 ``file_regex``获取错误输出

The file_regex option uses a Perl-style regular expression to capture up to four fields of error information from the build program’s output, namely: file name, line number, column number and error message. Use groups in the pattern to capture this information. The file name field and the line number field are required.

``file_regex``选项用Perl的正则表达式来捕获构建系统的错误输出,主要包括四部分内容,分别是 file name*, line number, column number and error message. Sublime Text 在匹配模式中使用分组的方式捕获信息。file name*line number*域是必须的。

When error information is captured, you can navigate to error instances in your project’s files with F4 and Shift+F4. If available, the captured error message will be displayed in the status bar.

当错误信息被捕获时,你可以使用``F4`` 和 ``Shift+F4``在你的项目文件中跳转。被捕获的*错误 信息*会显示在状态栏。


The windows, osx and linux elements let you provide platform-specific data in the build system. Here’s an example:

``windows``, ``osx`` 以及 ``linux``元素可以帮助你在构建系统中设定平台相关



“cmd”: [“ant”], “file_regex”: “^ [javac] (.+):([0-9]+):() (.)$”, “working_dir”: “${project_path:${folder}}”, “selector”: “source.java”,

“windows”: {

“cmd”: [“ant.bat”]



In this case, ant will be executed for every platform except Windows, where ant.bat will be used instead.

在这个例子中,ant``在除了Windows之外的平台中都是执行 ant ,而在Windows中则执行 ``ant.bat



    "selector": "source.python",
    "cmd": ["date"],

    "variants": [

        { "cmd": ["ls -l *.py"],
          "name": "List Python Files",
          "shell": true

        { "cmd": ["wc", "$file"],
          "name": "Word Count (current file)"

        { "cmd": ["python", "-u", "$file"],
          "name": "Run"

Given these settings, Ctrl + B would run the date command, Crtl + Shift + B would run the Python interpreter and the remaining variants would appear in the Command Palette whenever the build system was active.

根据以上的设定,按 Ctrl + B 会运行*date*命令, 按 Crtl + Shift + B 会运行Python 解释器,并且在构建系统激活时将剩余的备选项显示在Command Palette中。


Build systems expand the following variables in .sublime-build files:

在*.sublime-build* 中包括如下构建系统变量。

$file_path 当前文件所在路径, 比如 C:Files.
$file 当前文件的完整路径, 比如 C:FilesChapter1.txt.
$file_name 当前文件的文件名, 比如 Chapter1.txt.
$file_extension 当前文件的扩展名, 比如 txt.
$file_base_name 当前文件仅包含文件名的部分, 比如 Document.
$packages Packages 文件夹的完整路径.
$project 当前项目文件的完整路径.
$project_path 当前项目文件的路径.
$project_name 当前项目文件的名称.
$project_extension 当前项目文件的扩展部分.
$project_base_name 当前项目仅包括名的部分.


Features found in snippets can be used with these variables. For example:



This will emit the name of the current project if there is one, otherwise Default.



This will emit the full path of the current file, replacing .php with .txt.



Select the desired build system from Tools | Build System, and then select Tools | Build or press F7.

从**Tools | Build System**选择构建系统,然后选择**Tools | Build** ,再按``F7``。


Build systems will look for executables in your PATH, unless you specify an absolute path to the executable. Therefore, your PATH variable must be correctly set.

如果你没有为构建系统指定一个可执行文件的绝对路径,构建系统怎么会在你的 PATH 中进行查找。 所以,你需要正确设置 PATH

On some operating systems, the value for PATH will vary from a terminal window to a graphical application. Thus, even if the command you are using in your build system works in the command line, it may not work from Sublime Text. This is due to user profiles in shells.

在某些操作系统中,终端和图形化应用的 PATH 值会有所不同。所以即便你的构建系统在命令行下 可以正常工作,在Sublime Text也不见得能够正常。这与Shell中的用户设置有关。

To solve this issue, make sure you set the desired PATH so that graphical applications such as Sublime Text can find it. See the links below for more information.

为了解决这个问题,请确认你正确设置了 PATH ,以便类似Sublime Text一类的图形化应用 可以正确找到。更多内容,请参考一下链接

Alternatively, you can use the path element in .sublime-build files to override the PATH used to locate the executable specified in cmd. This new value for PATH will only be in effect for as long as your build system is running. After that, the old PATH will be restored.

另外,你也可以在 .sublime-build 文件中设定 path 来替代:const:PATH ,并在 path 指定的路径中查找 cmd 可执行文件。新设定的值,仅在构建系统运行期间有效,过后将会恢复为原始的


See also

Managing Environment Variables in Windows
Search Microsoft knowledge base for this topic.
Setting environment variables in OSX
StackOverflow topic.
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