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发布于 2015-08-27 16:43:24 | 151 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理

In Symfony 2.4, a powerful ExpressionLanguage component was added to Symfony. This allows us to add highly customized logic inside configuration.

The Symfony Framework leverages expressions out of the box in the following ways:

For more information about how to create and work with expressions, see The Expression Syntax.

Security: Complex Access Controls with Expressions

In addition to a role like ROLE_ADMIN, the isGranted method also accepts an Expression object:

use SymfonyComponentExpressionLanguageExpression;
// ...

public function indexAction()
    $this->denyAccessUnlessGranted(new Expression(
        '"ROLE_ADMIN" in roles or (user and user.isSuperAdmin())'

    // ...

In this example, if the current user has ROLE_ADMIN or if the current user object’s isSuperAdmin() method returns true, then access will be granted (note: your User object may not have an isSuperAdmin method, that method is invented for this example).

This uses an expression and you can learn more about the expression language syntax, see The Expression Syntax.

Inside the expression, you have access to a number of variables:

The user object (or the string anon if you’re not authenticated).
The array of roles the user has, including from the role hierarchy but not including the IS_AUTHENTICATED_* attributes (see the functions below).
The object (if any) that’s passed as the second argument to isGranted.
The token object.
The AuthenticationTrustResolverInterface, object: you’ll probably use the is_* functions below instead.

Additionally, you have access to a number of functions inside the expression:

Returns true if the user is authenticated via “remember-me” or authenticated “fully” - i.e. returns true if the user is “logged in”.
Equal to using IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY with the isGranted function.
Similar, but not equal to IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED, see below.
Similar, but not equal to IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY, see below.
Checks to see if the user has the given role - equivalent to an expression like 'ROLE_ADMIN' in roles.
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