发布于 2015-08-27 16:41:16 | 145 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
The aim of this chapter is to give a more in-depth view of the ACL system, and also explain some of the design decisions behind it.
Symfony’s object instance security capabilities are based on the concept of an Access Control List. Every domain object instance has its own ACL. The ACL instance holds a detailed list of Access Control Entries (ACEs) which are used to make access decisions. Symfony’s ACL system focuses on two main objectives:
As indicated by the first point, one of the main capabilities of Symfony’s ACL system is a high-performance way of retrieving ACLs/ACEs. This is extremely important since each ACL might have several ACEs, and inherit from another ACL in a tree-like fashion. Therefore, no ORM is leveraged, instead the default implementation interacts with your connection directly using Doctrine’s DBAL.
The ACL system is completely decoupled from your domain objects. They don’t even have to be stored in the same database, or on the same server. In order to achieve this decoupling, in the ACL system your objects are represented through object identity objects. Every time you want to retrieve the ACL for a domain object, the ACL system will first create an object identity from your domain object, and then pass this object identity to the ACL provider for further processing.
This is analog to the object identity, but represents a user, or a role in your application. Each role, or user has its own security identity.
The default implementation uses five database tables as listed below. The tables are ordered from least rows to most rows in a typical application:
.Access control entries can have different scopes in which they apply. In Symfony, there are basically two different scopes:
Sometimes, you will find the need to apply an ACE only to a specific field of the object. Suppose you want the ID only to be viewable by an administrator, but not by your customer service. To solve this common problem, two more sub-scopes have been added:
For pre-authorization decisions, that is decisions made before any secure method (or secure action) is invoked, the proven AccessDecisionManager service is used. The AccessDecisionManager is also used for reaching authorization decisions based on roles. Just like roles, the ACL system adds several new attributes which may be used to check for different permissions.
Attribute | Intended Meaning | Integer Bitmasks |
VIEW | Whether someone is allowed to view the domain object. | VIEW, EDIT, OPERATOR, MASTER, or OWNER |
EDIT | Whether someone is allowed to make changes to the domain object. | EDIT, OPERATOR, MASTER, or OWNER |
CREATE | Whether someone is allowed to create the domain object. | CREATE, OPERATOR, MASTER, or OWNER |
DELETE | Whether someone is allowed to delete the domain object. | DELETE, OPERATOR, MASTER, or OWNER |
UNDELETE | Whether someone is allowed to restore a previously deleted domain object. | UNDELETE, OPERATOR, MASTER, or OWNER |
OPERATOR | Whether someone is allowed to perform all of the above actions. | OPERATOR, MASTER, or OWNER |
MASTER | Whether someone is allowed to perform all of the above actions, and in addition is allowed to grant any of the above permissions to others. | MASTER, or OWNER |
OWNER | Whether someone owns the domain object. An owner can perform any of the above actions and grant master and owner permissions. | OWNER |
Attributes are used by the AccessDecisionManager, just like roles. Often, these attributes represent in fact an aggregate of integer bitmasks. Integer bitmasks on the other hand, are used by the ACL system internally to efficiently store your users’ permissions in the database, and perform access checks using extremely fast bitmask operations.
The above permission map is by no means static, and theoretically could be completely replaced at will. However, it should cover most problems you encounter, and for interoperability with other bundles, you are encouraged to stick to the meaning envisaged for them.
Post authorization decisions are made after a secure method has been invoked, and typically involve the domain object which is returned by such a method. After invocation providers also allow to modify, or filter the domain object before it is returned.
Due to current limitations of the PHP language, there are no post-authorization capabilities build into the core Security component. However, there is an experimental JMSSecurityExtraBundle which adds these capabilities. See its documentation for further information on how this is accomplished.
The ACL class provides two methods for determining whether a security identity
has the required bitmasks, isGranted
and isFieldGranted
. When the ACL
receives an authorization request through one of these methods, it delegates
this request to an implementation of
This allows you to replace the way access decisions are reached without actually
modifying the ACL class itself.
The PermissionGrantingStrategy
first checks all your object-scope ACEs. If none
is applicable, the class-scope ACEs will be checked. If none is applicable,
then the process will be repeated with the ACEs of the parent ACL. If no
parent ACL exists, an exception will be thrown.