发布于 2015-08-27 16:48:17 | 206 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
In addition to the options you specify for your commands, there are some built-in options as well as a couple of built-in commands for the Console component.
These examples assume you have added a file application.php
to run at
the cli:
#!/usr/bin/env php
// application.php
use SymfonyComponentConsoleApplication;
$application = new Application();
// ...
There is a built-in command list
which outputs all the standard options
and the registered commands:
$ php application.php list
You can get the same output by not running any command as well
$ php application.php
The help command lists the help information for the specified command. For
example, to get the help for the list
$ php application.php help list
Running help
without specifying a command will list the global options:
$ php application.php help
You can get help information for any command with the --help
option. To
get help for the list command:
$ php application.php list --help
$ php application.php list -h
You can suppress output with:
$ php application.php list --quiet
$ php application.php list -q
You can get more verbose messages (if this is supported for a command) with:
$ php application.php list --verbose
$ php application.php list -v
The verbose flag can optionally take a value between 1 (default) and 3 to output even more verbose messages:
$ php application.php list --verbose=2
$ php application.php list -vv
$ php application.php list --verbose=3
$ php application.php list -vvv
If you set the optional arguments to give your application a name and version:
$application = new Application('Acme Console Application', '1.2');
then you can use:
$ php application.php list --version
$ php application.php list -V
to get this information output:
Acme Console Application version 1.2
If you do not provide both arguments then it will just output:
console tool
You can force turning on ANSI output coloring with:
$ php application.php list --ansi
or turn it off with:
$ php application.php list --no-ansi
You can suppress any interactive questions from the command you are running with:
$ php application.php list --no-interaction
$ php application.php list -n
You do not have to type out the full command names. You can just type the
shortest unambiguous name to run a command. So if there are non-clashing
commands, then you can run help
like this:
$ php application.php h
If you have commands using :
to namespace commands then you just have
to type the shortest unambiguous text for each part. If you have created the
as shown in The Console Component then you
can run it with:
$ php application.php d:g Fabien
If you enter a short command that’s ambiguous (i.e. there are more than one command that match), then no command will be run and some suggestions of the possible commands to choose from will be output.