发布于 2015-08-27 16:41:41 | 133 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
The Debug component provides tools to ease debugging PHP code.
2.3 新版功能: The Debug component was introduced in Symfony 2.3. Previously, the classes were located in the HttpKernel component.
You can install the component in many different ways:
on Packagist);The Debug component provides several tools to help you debug PHP code. Enabling them all is as easy as it can get:
use SymfonyComponentDebugDebug;
The enable()
method registers an
error handler, an exception handler and
a special class loader.
Read the following sections for more information about the different available tools.
You should never enable the debug tools in a production environment as they might disclose sensitive information to the user.
The ErrorHandler
class catches PHP errors
and converts them to exceptions (of class ErrorException
for PHP
fatal errors):
use SymfonyComponentDebugErrorHandler;
The ExceptionHandler
class catches
uncaught PHP exceptions and converts them to a nice PHP response. It is useful
in debug mode to replace the default PHP/XDebug output with something prettier
and more useful:
use SymfonyComponentDebugExceptionHandler;
If the HttpFoundation component is available, the handler uses a Symfony Response object; if not, it falls back to a regular PHP response.