发布于 2015-08-27 16:47:35 | 122 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
The ExpressionLanguage component already provides a
method to be able to cache the expressions in plain PHP. But internally, the
component also caches the parsed expressions, so duplicated expressions can be
compiled/evaluated quicker.
Both evaluate()
and compile()
need to do some things before each can provide the return
values. For evaluate()
, this overhead is even bigger.
Both methods need to tokenize and parse the expression. This is done by the
method. It returns a ParsedExpression
Now, the compile()
method just returns the string conversion of this object.
The evaluate()
method needs to loop through the “nodes” (pieces of an
expression saved in the ParsedExpression
) and evaluate them on the fly.
To save time, the ExpressionLanguage
caches the ParsedExpression
it can skip the tokenize and parse steps with duplicate expressions.
The caching is done by a
instance (by default, it uses an
You can customize this by creating a custom ParserCache
and injecting this
in the object using the constructor:
use SymfonyComponentExpressionLanguageExpressionLanguage;
use AcmeExpressionLanguageParserCacheMyDatabaseParserCache;
$cache = new MyDatabaseParserCache(...);
$language = new ExpressionLanguage($cache);
The DoctrineBridge provides a Parser Cache implementation using the doctrine cache library, which gives you caching for all sorts of cache strategies, like Apc, Filesystem and Memcached.
Both evaluate()
and compile()
can handle ParsedExpression
// ...
// the parse() method returns a ParsedExpression
$expression = $language->parse('1 + 4', array());
echo $language->evaluate($expression); // prints 5
use SymfonyComponentExpressionLanguageSerializedParsedExpression;
// ...
$expression = new SerializedParsedExpression(
'1 + 4',
serialize($language->parse('1 + 4', array()))
echo $language->evaluate($expression); // prints 5