发布于 2015-08-27 16:39:58 | 229 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
The Yaml component loads and dumps YAML files.
The Symfony Yaml component parses YAML strings to convert them to PHP arrays. It is also able to convert PHP arrays to YAML strings.
YAML, YAML Ain’t Markup Language, is a human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages. YAML is a great format for your configuration files. YAML files are as expressive as XML files and as readable as INI files.
The Symfony Yaml Component implements a selected subset of features defined in the YAML 1.2 version specification.
Learn more about the Yaml component in the The YAML Format article.
You can install the component in 2 different ways:
on Packagist);One of the goals of Symfony Yaml is to find the right balance between speed and features. It supports just the needed features to handle configuration files. Notable lacking features are: document directives, multi-line quoted messages, compact block collections and multi-document files.
It sports a real parser and is able to parse a large subset of the YAML specification, for all your configuration needs. It also means that the parser is pretty robust, easy to understand, and simple enough to extend.
Whenever you have a syntax problem with your YAML files, the library outputs a helpful message with the filename and the line number where the problem occurred. It eases the debugging a lot.
It is also able to dump PHP arrays to YAML with object support, and inline level configuration for pretty outputs.
It supports most of the YAML built-in types like dates, integers, octals, booleans, and much more...
Full support for references, aliases, and full merge key. Don’t repeat yourself by referencing common configuration bits.
The Symfony Yaml component is very simple and consists of two main classes: one parses YAML strings (Parser
), and the other dumps a PHP array to a YAML string (Dumper
On top of these two classes, the Yaml
class acts as a thin wrapper that simplifies common uses.
The parse()
method parses a YAML string and converts it to a PHP array:
use SymfonyComponentYamlParser;
$yaml = new Parser();
$value = $yaml->parse(file_get_contents('/path/to/file.yml'));
If an error occurs during parsing, the parser throws a ParseException
exception indicating the error type and the line in the original YAML string where the error occurred:
use SymfonyComponentYamlExceptionParseException;
try {
$value = $yaml->parse(file_get_contents('/path/to/file.yml'));
} catch (ParseException $e) {
printf("Unable to parse the YAML string: %s", $e->getMessage());
As the parser is re-entrant, you can use the same parser object to load different YAML strings.
It may also be convenient to use the parse()
wrapper method:
use SymfonyComponentYamlYaml;
$yaml = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents('/path/to/file.yml'));
The parse()
static method takes a YAML string or a file containing YAML. Internally, it calls the parse()
method, but enhances the error if something goes wrong by adding the filename to the message.
Because it is currently possible to pass a filename to this method, you must validate the input first. Passing a filename is deprecated in Symfony 2.2, and will be removed in Symfony 3.0.
The dump()
method dumps any PHP array to its YAML representation:
use SymfonyComponentYamlDumper;
$array = array(
'foo' => 'bar',
'bar' => array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz'),
$dumper = new Dumper();
$yaml = $dumper->dump($array);
file_put_contents('/path/to/file.yml', $yaml);
Of course, the Symfony Yaml dumper is not able to dump resources. Also, even if the dumper is able to dump PHP objects, it is considered to be a not supported feature.
If an error occurs during the dump, the parser throws a DumpException
If you only need to dump one array, you can use the dump()
static method shortcut:
use SymfonyComponentYamlYaml;
$yaml = Yaml::dump($array, $inline);
The YAML format supports two kind of representation for arrays, the expanded one, and the inline one. By default, the dumper uses the inline representation:
{ foo: bar, bar: { foo: bar, bar: baz } }
The second argument of the dump()
method customizes the level at which the output switches from the expanded representation to the inline one:
echo $dumper->dump($array, 1);
foo: bar
bar: { foo: bar, bar: baz }
echo $dumper->dump($array, 2);
foo: bar
foo: bar
bar: baz