发布于 2015-08-18 16:36:01 | 246 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
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test('root lists first page of posts', function(){ visit('/posts'); andThen(function() { equal(find('ul.posts li').length, 3, 'The first page should have 3 posts'); }); }); |
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module('Integration: Transitions', { setup: function() { App.reset(); } }); test('add new post', function() { visit('/posts/new'); fillIn('input.title', 'My new post'); click('button.submit'); andThen(function() { equal(find('ul.posts li:last').text(), 'My new post'); }); }); |
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App.ProfileRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ beforeModel: function() { var user = this.modelFor('application'); if (Em.isEmpty(user)) { this.transitionTo('login'); } } }); |
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module('Integration: Transitions', { setup: function() { App.reset(); } }); test('redirect to login if not authenticated', function() { visit('/'); click('.profile'); andThen(function() { equal(currentRouteName(), 'login'); equal(currentPath(), 'login'); equal(currentURL(), '/login'); }); }); |