Red language 是一门全栈编程语言。同时支持底层开发(使用内置的DSL Red/System)和灵活的动态编程(使用Red)。该语言支持解释执行、静态编译和JiT编译执行。使用REBOL的语法和语义,像英语一样易读并且如Lisp一般灵活。支持函数式、过程式、符号化和homoicoNic编程,能快速构建各种DSL。语言将原生的对并发编程提供强有力的支持。使用AcTor模型来支持任务并行,使用并发容器来支持数据并行。值得一提的是,整个开发环境仅仅只有1MB大小!!!
Red language is a native-CODE comPILed Functional, impeRATive, Symbolic, and homoiconic programming language that re-uses most of REBOL's syntax and semantics. Both static and JIT compilation support are planned. A strong emphasis is made on concurrency and both task and Data parallelism support using an actor-like absTraction and parallel collections (Scala-like). The target range of usage Spreads from low-level system programming (thanks to the built-in Red/System C-level DSL) and embedded systems, up to high-level scripting, with an optional REPL console.
发布于 2017-07-18 02:48:59 | 196 次阅读
发布于 2017-03-27 10:51:40 | 238 次阅读
发布于 2017-03-27 00:26:20 | 188 次阅读
发布于 2016-06-30 03:27:39 | 171 次阅读
发布于 2016-03-29 06:50:52 | 182 次阅读