Apache Rave 是一个全新的 Web 和社交混搭引擎。
It will provide an out-of-the-box as well as an extendible lightweight Java platform to host, serve and aggregate (Open)Social Gadgets and servICEs through a highly customizable and Web 2.0 frIEndly front-end. Rave is targeted as engine for Internet and intranet portals and as building block to provide context-aware personalization and collaboRATion features for multi-site/multi-channel (mobile) oriented and content driven websites and (social) network oriented services and platforms. For the OpenSocial container and services the (Java) Apache Shindig will be integrated. At a later stage further generalization is envisioned to also transparently support W3C Widgets using Apache Wookie.
发布于 2016-02-29 00:50:25 | 75 次阅读