Parsix GNU/Linux 8.5 Test 3 发布,更新内容如下:What's New in 8.5? ¶Parsix GNU/Linux 8.5 (code name Atticus) ships with stable
GNOME 3.18 desktop environment and an updated kernel. This version has
been synchronized with Debian Jessie repositories as of January 07 2016.
Parsix Atticus ships w
Parsix GNU/Linux 7.0 正式发布,此版本是 Parsix GNU/Linux 7.0 正式版,代号为:Nestor,现已提供下载。Parsix Nestor 提供 GNOME Shell 3.12.1 和一个全新的,基于 Linux 3.14.23 的内核。其他特性如下:modernized kernel build systemenhanced live boot system and i