LFTP 4.8.0 发布了,LFTP是一款非常著名的字符界面的文件传输工具。支持FTP、HTTP、FISH、SFTP、HTTPS和FTPS协议。如果还需要ssl的支持,则需要额外的OpenSSL依赖。更新内容: mirror: improved performance of --scan-all-first for big trees.mirror: new --flat option to flatten the target directory structure.
LFTP 4.6.5 发布,更新如下:sftp: fixed handling of out-of-order replies.fixed futex_wait issue in SIGCHLD handler.ftp: fixed ls freezing with unstable server connection.torrent: show more correct ETA on the status line.fixed gnutls priority string.mirror: fixed excessive stack usage on large directo