容器集群管理系统发布了 1.8.8-beta.0 和 1.8.7 版本,1.8.7 有以下值得关注的更新:fix device name change issue for azure disk: add remount logic (#57953, @andyzhangx)GCE: Allows existing internal load balancers to continue using an outdated subnetwork (#57861, @nicksardo)fix azure disk not av
Kubernetes 1.7.11 和 1.7.12-beta.0 发布。自 1.7.10 以来的主要更新内容如下:Bugfix: master startup script on GCP no longer fails randomly due to concurrent iptables invocations. (#55945, @x13n)Fix bug in mounting volumes with GlusterFS plugin (#53292, @humblec)Add /bin/tee symlink to bazel build for
Kubernetes 1.6.13 已发布,包括以下自 1.6.12 以来的变更:Bump cAdvisor to v0.25.1, which adds support for the Docker overlay2 storage driver. (#55744, @dashpole)GCE: provide an option to disable docker's live-restore on COS/ubuntu (#55260, @yujuhong)Fix kube-proxy hang due to panic when
Kubernetes 1.7.9 和 1.7.10-beta.0 已发布。1.7.9 自 1.7.8 以来的变化:Support German cloud for azure disk mount feature (#50673, @clement-buchart)BugFix: Exited containers are not Garbage Collected by the kubelet while the pod is running (#53167, @dashpole)Address a bug which allowed the ho
Kubernetes 1.7.2 版本发布了,该版本从1.7.1版本以来有15处修改,其中修复一个Pod BUG#48786, 下载k8s 1.7.2版本,查看 1.7 版本相关介绍。以下是 1.7.2版本更新内容:Use port 20256 for node-problem-detector in standalone mode. (#49316, @ajitak)GCE Cloud Provider: New created LoadBalancer type Ser