发布于 2018-01-25 00:26:09 | 197 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递

这里有新鲜出炉的Redis 官方指南,程序狗速度看过来!

Redis Key-Value数据库

Redis是一个开源的使用ANSI C语言编写、支持网络、可基于内存亦可持久化的日志型、Key-Value数据库,并提供多种语言的API。

Redis 是一个高性能的 key-value 数据库。Redis 的出现,很大程度补偿了 memcached 这类 keyvalue 存储的不足,在部分场合可以对关系数据库起到很好的补充作用。它提供了 Python,Ruby,Erlang,PHP 客户端,使用很方便。

Redis 4.0.7 解决了许多 bug ,并增加了一些非常有用的功能,包括:

  • Many 32 bit overflows were addressed in order to allow to use Redis with a very significant amount of data, memory size permitting. 

  • MEMORY USAGE fixed for the list type.

  • Allow read-only scripts in Redis Cluster. 

  • Fix AOF pipes setup in edge case. 

  • AUTH option for MIGRATE. 

  • HyperLogLogs are no longer converted from sparse to dense in order to be merged.

  • Fix AOF rewrite dead loop under edge cases.

  • Fix processing of large bulk strings (>= 2GB). 

  • Added RM_UnlinkKey in modules API. 

  • Fix Redis Cluster crashes when certain commands with a variable number of arguments are called in an improper way.

  • Fix memory leak in lazyfree engine.

  • Fix many potentially successful partial synchronizations that end doing a full SYNC, because of a bug destroying the replication backlog on the slave. So after a failover the slave was often not able to PSYNC with masters, and a full SYNC was triggered. The bug only happened after 1 hour of uptime so escaped the unit tests.

  • Improve anti-affinity in master/slave allocation for Redis Cluster when the cluster is created. 

  • Improve output buffer handling for slaves, by not limiting the amount of writes a slave could receive. 



历史版本 :
Redis 4.0.7 发布,高性能 key-value 数据库
Redis 4.0.4 发布,高性能的 key-value 数据库
Redis 4.0.2 和 3.2.11 发布,修复了隐藏的重要错误
Redis 3.2.10 发布,高性能的 key-value 数据库
Redis 4.0.1 发布,高性能的 key-value 数据库
Redis 4.0.1 发布,高性能的 key-value 数据库
Redis 4.0.0 正式发布,高性能的 key-value 数据库
Redis 3.2.9 发布,高性能的 key-value 数据库
redis-replicator 2.1.2 发布,redis 数据同步工具
Redis 4.0 Rc3,超高性能 key-value 数据库
Redis 3.2.8 发布,修复重要 bug
Redis 3.2.7 发布,修复重要 bug
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