发布于 2018-01-23 01:00:57 | 161 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Prometheus 服务监控系统
Prometheus 是一个开源的服务监控系统和时间序列数据库。
服务监控系统 Prometheus 2.1.0 已发布,Prometheus 是一个 Go 语言开发的开源的服务监控系统和时间序列数据库。
[特性] New Service Discovery UI showing labels before and after relabelling.
[特性] New Admin APIs added to v1 to delete, snapshot and remove tombstones.
[改进] The graph UI autcomplete now includes your previous queries.
[改进] Federation is now much faster for large numbers of series.
[改进] Added new metrics to measure rule timings.
[改进] Rule evaluation times added to the rules UI.
[改进] Added metrics to measure modified time of file SD files.
[改进] Kubernetes SD now includes POD UID in discovery metadata.
[改进] The Query APIs now return optional stats on query execution times.
[改进] The index now no longer has the 4GiB size limit and is also smaller.
[修复] Remote read read_recent
option is now false by default.
[修复] Pass the right configuration to each Alertmanager (AM) when using multiple AM configs.
[修复] Fix not-matchers not selecting series with labels unset.
[修复] tsdb: Fix occasional panic in head block.
[修复] tsdb: Close files before deletion to fix retention issues on Windows and NFS.
[修复] tsdb: Cleanup and do not retry failing compactions.
[修复] tsdb: Close WAL while shutting down.