发布于 2018-01-22 09:48:55 | 146 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Neo4j 高性能NoSQL图形数据库
Neo4j 是一个高性能的 NoSQL 图形数据库。Neo4j 使用图(graph)相关的概念来描述数据模型,把数据保存为图中的节点以及节点之间的关系。很多应用中数据之间的关系,可以很直接地使用图中节点和关系的概念来建模。对于这样的应用,使用 Neo4j 来存储数据会非常的自然,要优于使用关系数据库。
Neo4j 3.3.2 已发布,Neo4j 是世界领先的高性能图数据库,具备成熟和健壮的数据库的所有特性,如友好的查询语言和事务的 ACID 原则。
Introduce volumetric check-pointing, where the check-point frequency is adjusted to avoid the transaction log retention policy falling too far behind. #10550
Lower memory requirement of recovery #10629
Fixes a concurrency issue creating constraints #10632
Reworked transaction batching during recovery #10647
CSV parser do not trim quoted strings #10654
More detailed message on MultipleFoundException during findNode operation. #10707
Ability to drop a broken uniqueness constraint #10777
Cleanup accidental Path exposure as a Resource. #10815
Solves problem around queries with many optional matches #10526
Configuration parameter for db.index.explicit.forNodes #10561
Fixed error when returning properties from deleted node #10577
Don't throw error for n.prop = null
Fixes #10607 by explicitly checking that all parameters present in the query are also provided in the parameter list #10675
Do not return Object[] when querying for array property in Cypher. #10676
Proper handling of plan descriptions for queries running with older versions of Cypher. #10725
Fixes problem where Cypher would sometimes run out of stack space for really large queries. #10768
Fix that MERGE did not enforce relationship uniqueness. #10771
Handle creating plan descriptions for big plans without StackOverflow
. #10790
[tls] disable client-initiated renegotiation #10525
Causal Clustering
Monitoring of Raft message processing performance #10574
Improved timer service #10580
Release the storecopy mutex after the store copy #10589